Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rebel Soldier

Confederate soldiers, wikimedia commons
While many people mourned the Civil War and its atrocities between brothers, the lot of the rebel soldier was often lost in the midst of the celebrations after the war.  But the intense fighting and losses were immeasurable, and like their counterparts on the Union side, the rebels fought valiantly and many died in great agony in the numerous battles that took place.

The song is a traditional song from Southern Appalachia that speaks of the soldiers longing for home.  As the soldier waits in battle he thinks of his dear Polly back home.

Many songs speak of the longing the soldier has for family, during the respites from battle.  It is a common theme, and almost a protest in the way it narrates the pain of war, the loss, the love and the family that waits, often to hear the not-good news of a soldier's death.

But for us, listening to this song, perhaps we can dream instead of the young soldier finding his way home to Polly after the war, with her arms outstretched and waiting.

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