Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lord, Lord I've Got Some Singing to Do

The history of some songs is almost as entertaining as the music itself.  So it might be with "Lord, Lord I've Got Some Singing to Do."

The song was a favorite of Vivian Richman, known during the 60's through most of the 80's as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's most famous folk singers.  She had traveled and performed with Pete Seegar, learned the guitar from Woody Guthrie and paid her proverbial dues in music in many ways.

One of Richman's signature songs was "Lord, Lord I've Got Some Singing to Do."  It was written by Bob Schmertz and is printed in a book honoring the author and including other songs he had written.  Many of Schmertz's songs can be found in folk music collections, particularly those of Burl Ives.  But this song was not formally recorded, although it was often performed in the Pittsburgh area by Vivian Richman.  On YouTube someone has done a piano arrangement of the song and claimed it as original, which is further evidence of how some songs get lost and then are recaptured by others who did not write the song but only performed it.

This song, a favorite of Richman and one that offers a positive message for us all about our universe and each other is done in the style done by the famous folksinger of Pittsburgh, whose music is in the Smithsonian and whose music remains in the hearts of many, including myriad of those who were her friends---like me.

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