Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Where Have All the Flowers Gone

One of the songs that most clearly defined the 1960's, especially the folk music movement, was Where Have All the Flowers Gone.  The song was written by Pete Seegar, who took some of the ideas from a poem he read some years before and found appropriate for the era of the 60's, which personified some of the issues of the time, namely war and the loss of youth.

Pete Seeger had years of standing up for liberal social causes.  His music reflected that stance, as he espoused women's rights, the rights of labor and the reduction of violence in any form.

Peter, Paul and Mary as well as Bob Dylan and Joan Baez all performed Where Have All the Flowers Gone.  It was virtually an anthem of most folksingers and has been performed around many a campfire for decades.

It is performed here with vocal and guitar in its simplest form, the way it was done by those folk artists of the past and that continues to reflect the roots of the music of the 1960's and the era that set the tone for decades to come.

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