Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Looking through the eyes of God

Child soldiers, taught to hate, even as they need love
Many people are born different or come to feel they are different or inadequate along their life's path, and some folks become bullied as a result.  This can create pain, as too often people look through their limited eyes as opposed to the eyes of God, for, as this song says, God looks at His creation in ways we often do not.  The song is dedicated to all those who had those moments of feeling not as good as others, inadequate in some ways, and believe they won't ever be accepted.  These include those with disabilities, ethnic and racial "differences," sexual identity differences, religious differences and others.  It also represents the goal of the author of the music, to look at people through the loving eyes of God instead of the limited vision we often have in relationship to each other, for it is part of the lessons we learn as we age and move towards the end of life.

The song is for those who seek love or seek to love others, even as we are all loved when we may not know or feel it. The video is here, along with these lyrics:

Looking Through the Eyes of God

Looking through the eyes of God I saw you
Someone I had never known, because these eyes had only seen
The world through filters I created, not the prism of great love
That shows in colors all the wonders of our world
Looking through the eyes of God, I see now clearly
My eyes once blind can now see through the dark
Looking through the eyes of God, my fears are gone now
As I watch the world and see in life my part

For God sees everything as He has made it,
And knows that as it grows it will find its way again
Back home to where we all return when life has moved on by
And then is woven in the fabric of God's eternal time
Looking through the eyes of God, I see now clearly
My eyes once blind can now see through the dark
Looking through the eyes of God, my fears are gone now
As I watch the world and see in life my part

Looking through the eyes of God I saw you
All your faults dissolved as these eyes could clearly see
The virtues I had long ignored, in ignorance and blame
While only seeing everything in filters that are dark
Looking through the eyes of God, I see now clearly
My eyes once blind can now see through the dark
Looking through the eyes of God, my fears are gone now
As I watch the world and see in life my part

Carol Forsloff, copyright, August 2014


  1. My beautiful sister this is SO wonderful and emotional. Your words touch me deeply and the music as it starts shows me the wisdom and love you have for things. The video is amazing. All of your music says so much but this one is extra special. How blessed you are. I love this one and will listen again on youtube.....Bless you and Del...the harmony is amazing also. Love and Hugssss, Kathy xox

  2. A song about universal love and compassion. A marvel. Thank you so much Carol & Del for this beautiful song.
