Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Amazing Grace.

One of the most amazing songs is one called "Amazing Grace."  It is performed at funerals and at times when people face considerable emotional or physical stress.  It is almost a song for protection, a plea people send through song when they feel lost.

But the song is a hopeful one as well, for it relates the grace from God that is said to be infinite, both within the song and the contexts in which it has been performed.

The song was written by a minister, in some ways as a redemption from a young adulthood where the plight of the slaves was awful, and the captain, a minister, maintained the job of taking unwilling and tortured people to a life of enslavement.

It was a song of the abolitionists and a song for us all, in good or bad times, as a reminder that wherever we may be, we can be surrounded by grace that is amazing.

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