Sunday, September 21, 2014


A song that originated first in Ireland about a horse race sometime around 1790, this song is a classic folk and children's song, one that has been done by just about everyone from Woody Guthrie to Joan Baez and others.

According to music heritage references, this particular song was popular with African Americans in the Southern United States and used to be sung by the chain gangs.  It was recorded by Leadbelly, an African American musician who was popular in the early to mid 20th century and is similar to another song called "Run, Molly, Run; Old Tim Brooks; Tim Brooks; The Race Horse Song, a musical offering about the great California mare of the Kentucky horse race of 1878.

Children like songs about animals, and many children's songs are about them.  This song crosses generations, as it appeals to children and adults alike.   It is done here with accordion, guitar and vocals.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Cheaters Never Ever Win

Las Vegas--Gambling capitol of the US
Music has been a vehicle for bringing the soul peace, for providing information, offering historical information or just being that something special that makes us smile, want to dance or simply reflect on life.

It also narrates social problems, sometimes in a hard way and sometimes in a light-hearted way.

The song "Cheaters Never Ever Win" is an original blues song with a honky tonk flavor that tells the listener that type of "sinning" (tongue in cheek) ends up bringing the perpetrator losses., even though it may appear to be winning at the outset.  That old saw "what goes around, comes around" is generally true when it comes to cheating, whether its a school exam, a website number, or in a workplace.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Makaha Rainbows

This original song, copyrighted September 2014, highlights the beauty of Hawaii on Oahu's Leeward Coast with pictures of the area.

The Makaha Valley was once the place where the Kings and Queens of Hawaii would come for respite.  It holds an ancient temple grounds.  Wild peacocks freely roam the area and mingle with the cats, dogs, and other birds of the area.  The Waianae Coast also has some of the best beaches on Oahu, and visitors can take canoe trips or snorkel in protected areas offered by guides.  It is just a short driving distance from a major resort while the valley has condominiums for full time residents as well as visitors.